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Maryland state outline


At a Glance


Maryland has strong gun laws but continues to have an unacceptable rate of gun deaths near the national average. Gun violence in Maryland disproportionately impacts communities of color in Baltimore, where the majority of the guns recovered by law enforcement are brought across state lines.

799 In an average year, 799 people die by guns in Maryland. More at EveryStat.
#8 in the country for Gun Law Strength. (Same as last year). See why.

Stronger gun laws in surrounding states would help curb gun violence in Maryland; thankfully Virginia, which has long been the top supplier of crime guns into the Old Line State, overhauled its background check laws in 2020. In recent years, Maryland has passed an Extreme Risk law and expanded its background check requirement to cover rifles and shotguns. It was also the first state to repeal its dangerous Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights and has taken steps to strengthen its laws regulating public carry of firearms.

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