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Happening Now

Tell Congress: Prioritize gun safety this year!

Your Congressional lawmakers were just sworn into office. Now, it's time for them to get to work.

Tell your lawmakers you're counting on them to prioritize gun safety

We have a plan to end gun violence.

One at a time.

Dual Tragedies: Domestic Homicide-Suicides with a Firearm

On average, more than once per day in the United States, a tragedy occurs where a perpetrator kills an intimate partner, and then dies by suicide themself. Of these incidents, 93 percent involved a gun, and 95 percent had women killed by their male partners.

Read the Report
A blurred face and hand are visible in the background of the image, behind the foreground of splintered glass. In the center, there is a bullet hole through which the person's face is visible. The person appears to be reaching out toward the viewer. The image is meant to reflect how lives can be shattered by intimate partner homicide-suicide.
Two Students Demand Action volunteers stand and watch the stage at the Presidential Gun Sense Forum. A crowd of other volunteers in Moms Demand Action shirts stand behind them.

Everytown starts with you, and it starts in your town.

Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, change has been thwarted by the gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.

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Three people wearing Disarm Hate t-shirts pose for a photo