Nebraska Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action Condemn the Nebraska Legislature for Passing Dangerous Bill Allowing Permitless Carry of Firearms
LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska chapters of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, both part of Everytown for Gun Safety’s grassroots networks, released the following statement after Nebraska lawmakers passed permitless carry legislation which removes permitting requirements for carrying hidden, loaded handguns in public. Permitless carry is dangerous and opposed by public safety experts and Nebraska voters who know this bill will only exacerbate gun violence and make it easier for dangerous people to carry guns in Nebraska communities. Volunteers with Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action testified in opposition to the dangerous bill, LB 77.
“Nebraska lawmakers have chosen to put politics over protecting our families,” said Jen Hodge, a volunteer with the Nebraska chapter of Moms Demand Action. “Over the past few weeks, tens of thousands of young people across the country, and here in Nebraska, walked out of school to demand action on gun safety by their representatives, but instead, Nebraska lawmakers are actively stripping away safety measures.”
Permitless carry allows people to carry concealed firearms in public places without a permit, criminal history check, or safety training. Instead of pushing dangerous policies that make our communities less safe, Nebraska lawmakers should be working to advance common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.
Concealed carry permitting systems have overwhelming support nationally. The majority of Americans support concealed carry permitting systems that help ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed guns in public — 88 percent of Americans think you should get a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public. Over 80 percent of gun owners, non-gun owners, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents agree that high safety standards are critical in issuing concealed carry permits.
Nebraska has weak gun violence prevention laws, and lacks many foundational gun safety laws like comprehensive background checks on all firearm sales, an Extreme Risk law, and its laws prohibiting domestic abusers from possessing guns are dangerously inadequate.
This legislative session, Nebraska lawmakers have also advanced dangerous legislation which aims to invalidate federal firearm laws and prevent state and local law enforcement from assisting in the enforcement of those laws.
Learn more about gun violence in Nebraska here.