One Million ‘Not One More’ Postcards: 250,000 Americans Send Postcards to Political Leaders to Demand an End to Gun Violence
In just over 24 hours, more than 250,000 Americans have signed up to send one million postcards to their elected leaders with three simple words: “Not one more,” answering the call of Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher was killed on Friday in the Santa Barbara tragedy. Yesterday Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America launched a postcard campaign that makes it easy for Americans to automatically send postcards to their members of Congress and governor – available here. For every American who signs up, Everytown will send postcards to each individual’s U.S. House representative, two U.S. Senators and governor.
The campaign has taken social media by storm, with support for #NotOneMore from Americans across the country, including Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
In an interview earlier this week and at a memorial service at UC Santa Barbara, Martinez said, “I’m going to ask every person I can find to send a postcard to every politician they can think of with three words on it: ‘Not one more.’ People are looking for something to do. I’m asking people to stand up for something. Enough is enough.”
“Mr. Martinez is right – not one more person should die because of our broken gun laws,” said John Feinblatt, President of Everytown for Gun Safety. “Not one more father should lose his child to gun violence, and not one more politician should put the gun lobby ahead of the lives of Americans. Our elected leaders need to know that we will no longer tolerate inaction. Not one more person should die needlessly. Not one more.”
“The role of guns in violence against women is deadly – American women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in all other high-income countries and 57 percent of mass shootings involve domestic violence or violence against women, as we saw in this most recent tragedy,” said Shannon Watts, Founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “Mr. Martinez said he never expected this could happen to his family – but gun violence can, and does happen in every town. That’s why we all need to do something about it and hold our elected leaders accountable for protecting our children, our families and our communities from gun violence.”
Everytown and Moms Demand Action recently launched the Gun Sense Voter campaign that will, for the first time ever, mobilize Americans to vote for elected officials who support gun safety – sensible measures that will keep guns out of dangerous hands and save lives.