Everytown Releases Endorsements, TV Ads and Announces Gun Sense Voter Campaign Road Show Heading to Washington State
Everytown for Gun Safety today issued its first-ever list of state and federal candidate endorsements for the upcoming midterm elections. The slate of candidates includes Democrats and Republicans from 28 different states running for state legislative seats, governorships, and seats in both the House and Senate. You can find the full list of endorsements below.
Additionally, Everytown released the first two testimonial TV ads featuring survivors of gun violence that will air in local markets in support of state and federal candidates. The ads include endorsements for Rep. Robin Kelly (IL – 2) and Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber.
“These are candidates who have shown leadership in the fight to keep our communities safe from gun violence both on the state and federal level,” said John Feinblatt, President of Everytown for Gun Safety. “On a number of issues Washington is broken. That’s why this Election Day the Washington that matters most is Washington State.”
“This is the first time we’re mobilizing moms in this country to turn out and vote specifically on this issue,” said Shannon Watts, Founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “We’ve taken the fight to Congress, to statehouses, to corporations, and now we’re bringing this issue to the voting booth. Moms and women are going to vote to keep our communities safe from gun violence, in this election and in all elections ahead.”
Everytown also announced the start of the Gun Sense Voter road show to build a constituency of Americans to vote on gun safety this November and in the lead-up to 2016. Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, will join local Moms chapters, gun violence survivors and other gun safety advocates to organize and volunteer for endorsed candidates at campaign stops in Portland, OR, Santa Barbara, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, ME, Baltimore, and Cheshire, CT over the next three weeks.
The Gun Sense Voter road show will also stop in Seattle where Everytown is the leading national partner in the campaign for I-594, Washington State’s background check ballot initiative that would close the loophole in the law that allows dangerous people like criminals and domestic abusers to buy guns online and at gun shows with no questions asked. Recent polling shows 72 percent of Washingtonians support Initiative 594, the nation’s only statewide background check initiative on the ballot this November. The NRA’s public opposition to I-594 is expected to increase in coming days and weeks.
Full List of Endorsements
State Candidates
State | Office | First Name | Last Name |
CA | AG | Kamala | Harris |
CO | Gov | John | Hickenlooper |
CO | SD 11 | Michael | Merrifield |
CO | SD 16 | Jeanne | Nicholson |
CO | SD 19 | Rachel | Zenzinger |
CO | SD 22 | Andy | Kerr |
CT | Gov | Dan | Malloy |
CT | AG | George | Jepsen |
CT | HD 88 | Brendan | Sharkey |
CT | SD 5 | Beth | Bye |
DE | HD 15 | Valerie | Longhurst |
DE | SD 2 | Margaret Rose | Henry |
DE | SD 11 | Bryan | Townsend |
MD | Gov | Anthony | Brown |
MD | AG | Brian | Frosh |
MD | SD 27 | Mike | Miller |
MD | HD 15 | Kathleen | Dumais |
MD | HD 30 | Mike | Busch |
MD | SD 20 | Jamie | Raskin |
MN | Gov | Mark | Dayton |
MN | HD 42A | Barb | Yarusso |
MN | HD 48A | Yvonne | Selcer |
MN | HD 49A | Ron | Erhardt |
MN | HD 49B | Paul | Rosenthal |
MN | HD 51B | Laurie | Halverson |
MN | HD 56B | Will | Morgan |
NV | SD 8 | Marilyn | Dondero Loop |
NV | SD 9 | Justin | Jones |
NV | AD 18 | Amy | Beaulieu |
NY | Gov | Andrew | Cuomo |
NY | AG | Eric | Schneiderman |
OR | Gov | John | Kitzhaber |
PA | Gov | Tom | Wolf |
US House Candidates
District | First | Last |
AZ-2 | Ron | Barber |
CA-6 | Doris | Matsui |
CA-11 | Mark | DeSaulnier |
CA-12 | Nancy | Pelosi |
CA-14 | Jackie | Speier |
CA-17 | Mike | Honda |
CA-19 | Zoe | Lofgren |
CA-24 | Lois | Capps |
CA-26 | Julia | Brownley |
CA-28 | Adam | Schiff |
CA-3 | John | Garamendi |
CA-31 | Pete | Aguilar |
CA-32 | Grace | Napolitano |
CA-36 | Raul | Ruiz |
CA-5 | Mike | Thompson |
CA-7 | Ami | Bera |
CA-9 | Jerry | McNerney |
CO-1 | Diana | DeGette |
CO-7 | Ed | Perlmutter |
CT-3 | Rosa | DeLauro |
CT-5 | Elizabeth | Esty |
FL-18 | Patrick | Murphy |
IA-2 | Dave | Loebsack |
IA-3 | Staci | Appel |
IL-2 | Robin | Kelly |
IL-5 | Mike | Quigley |
IL-8 | Tammy | Duckworth |
MA-3 | Niki | Tsongas |
MA-7 | Mike | Capuano |
MD-3 | John | Sarbanes |
MD-5 | Steny | Hoyer |
MD-7 | Elijah | Cummings |
MD-8 | Chris | Van Hollen |
MI-13 | John | Conyers |
MI-14 | Brenda | Lawrence |
MN-5 | Keith | Ellison |
MS-2 | Bennie | Thompson |
NC-4 | David | Price |
NH-1 | Carol | Shea-Porter |
NH-2 | Anne | Kuster |
NJ-11 | Bonnie | Watson Coleman |
NY-1 | Tim | Bishop |
NY-12 | Carolyn | Maloney |
NY-15 | Jose | Serrano |
NY-17 | Nita | Lowey |
NY-18 | Sean | Maloney |
NY-2 | Pete | King |
NY-24 | Dan | Maffei |
NY-3 | Steve | Israel |
NY-4 | Kathleen | Rice |
OR-3 | Earl | Blumenauer |
PA-2 | Chaka | Fattah |
PA-4 | Linda | Thompson |
PA-7 | Pat | Meehan |
PA-8 | Mike | Fitzpatrick |
PA-13 | Brendan | Boyle |
RI-1 | David | Cicilline |
RI-2 | James | Langevin |
VA-11 | Gerry | Connolly |
VA-3 | Bobby | Scott |
VA-8 | Don | Beyer |
VA-10 | John | Foust |
WA-1 | Suzan | Del Bene |
WI-4 | Gwen | Moore |
US Senate Candidates
State | First | Last |
CO | Mark | Udall |
DE | Chris | Coons |
HI | Brian | Schatz |
IA | Bruce | Braley |
IL | Dick | Durbin |
LA | Mary | Landrieu |
MA | Ed | Markey |
ME | Susan | Collins |
MI | Gary | Peters |
MN | Al | Franken |
NC | Kay | Hagan |
NH | Jeanne | Shaheen |
NJ | Cory | Booker |
NM | Tom | Udall |
OR | Jeff | Merkley |
RI | Jack | Reed |
VA | Mark | Warner |