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Everytown, Oregon Moms Demand Action Applaud Background Check Bill Passed Out of Senate Judiciary Committee Today


SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, part of Everytown for Gun Safety, today applauds the Senate Judiciary Committee for passing Senate Bill 941, legislation to require background checks on all gun sales, out of committee with a 3-2 vote.

The vote follows last week’s hearing on SB 941, where law enforcement officials, mayors, veterans, survivors of gun violence, faith leaders, Oregon moms, and others spoke in favor of the bill. SB 941 would require criminal background checks on all gun sales—including online sales—closing a loophole that makes it easy for convicted felons and other dangerous people to get guns.

“We applaud leaders in the Senate Judiciary Committee, including chief co-sponsors Senator Floyd Prozanski and Senator Ginny Burdick, for moving this critical bill forward,” said Jenn Lynch, a volunteer with Oregon chapter of Moms Demand Action who testified on behalf of thousands of Oregon moms last week. “Expanding background checks reduces crime and saves lives.”

Independent polling from The Oregonian has found that 81 percent of Oregonians support background checks on all gun sales. Background checks are proven to help prevent crime and save lives. In states with background checks on all handgun sales, 46 percent fewer women are shot to death by intimate partners, there are 48 percent fewer gun suicides and 48 percent fewer law enforcement officers are killed with handguns.

The Oregon Senate floor vote on SB 941 has not yet been scheduled.