Everytown, Moms Demand Action, GIFFORDS, Brady Applaud Michigan Senate for Passing Critical Gun Safety Bills
Critical Gun Safety Bills Requiring Secure Firearm Storage and Background Checks on All Firearm Purchases Pass Senate and House and Now Head to Governor Whitmer’s Desk to Be Signed Into Law
Groups Urge Michigan House to Pass Extreme Risk Protection Orders
LANSING, Mich. — Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action, GIFFORDS, and Brady released the following statements applauding Michigan Senate lawmakers – with the help and support of Governor Gretchen Whitmer – for passing critical gun safety bills to require the secure storage of firearms and to require background checks for all unlicensed gun sales. The bills now head to Governor Whitmer’s desk to be signed into law.
The vote comes just weeks after the horrific shooting at Michigan State University, in which three students were shot and killed, and five others shot and wounded by a shooter who had previously exhibited dangerous warning signs.
The Michigan Senate also passed Extreme Risk Protection Order legislation, also known as Red Flag laws, which allow for the temporary removal of firearms from people who pose a risk to themselves or others. Nineteen states have already enacted extreme risk protection orders. GIFFORDS polling found that 75 percent of Michigan voters support extreme risk protection orders. The groups are now urging the Michigan House to pass Extreme Risk Protection Order legislation.
“Michigan Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers are a political powerhouse: from getting out the vote to elect a gun sense trifecta to doing the unglamorous grassroots advocacy in Lansing to pass this life-saving legislation,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action. “We’re grateful for the steadfast leadership of Michigan’s gun sense lawmakers – including some of our own volunteers who are now in elected office – to ensure background checks on all gun sales and that guns are securely stored to help keep our children safe. Now, the Michigan House should act with the same urgency in passing a critical Extreme Risk Law.”
“Michigan Senate lawmakers listened to voters who elected gun safety champions and agreed on life-saving, common-sense gun safety policies,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “This victory was in part made possible by hundreds of Michigan Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers, who were a constant presence in Lansing. Everytown is grateful to Senate Majority Leader Brinks, House Speaker Joe Tate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and their colleagues for honoring the victims and survivors of gun violence, with lifesaving action.”
“In the wake of the Michigan State University shooting, Michigan State Senators took decisive action and passed comprehensive policies such as a bipartisan bill to require safe storage as well as expanding universal background checks – policies that will meaningfully address gun violence in various forms,” said Kris Brown, president of Brady. “Brady applauds and thanks Majority Leader Brinks and Democratic members of the Senate for their leadership and commitment to addressing gun violence in Michigan. Now, the Michigan House of Representatives would follow the Senate’s lead and pass this extreme risk law to prevent people in crisis from harming themselves and others.”
“Michiganders are demanding change. That’s why they elected a gun safety majority in November. Hundreds of Michiganders joined Gabby Giffords at the state capitol last week, urging their leaders to do what was right,” said Peter Ambler, GIFFORDS executive director. “Now, thanks to the leadership of Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Senate, safe storage and universal background check bills are headed to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. The Michigan House of Representatives must pass extreme risk protection orders, which have the support of the majority of Michigan voters, and send the legislation to Governor Whitmer’s desk.”
“I am incredibly proud of Giffords Gun Owners for Safety’s work to push this legislation forward. I’m grateful to the hundreds of advocates who rallied with us to show the Michigan legislature that gun safety legislation is a top priority,” said Jonathan Gold, Michigan Chapter President, GIFFORDS Gun Owners for Safety. “Thanks to the hard work and leadership of the Michigan Senate and Governor Whitmer, safe storage and universal background check bills will be a reality in Michigan and save countless lives. Next, the Michigan House must pass extreme risk protection orders to stop those at risk from hurting themselves or others.”
Policy experts and volunteers from Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, GIFFORDS, and Brady have been at the forefront of advocating for these lifesaving gun safety policies in Michigan, attending and testifying at hearings, meeting with legislators, and engaging in public discourse explaining the need for these life-saving measures.
In an average year, 1,382 people die and 2,437 are wounded by guns in Michigan. Guns are the leading cause of death among children and teens in Michigan, and an average of 103 children and teens die by guns every year, of which 31% are suicides and 64% are homicides.